Executive Board – 2022-2028

Malcolm Jones

Malcolm Jones

President (2022-2028)
Vice-President / President Elect (2016-2022)
Chair of the XIX ICTMM (2012-2016)

Professor Malcolm Jones (BSc, PhD, m.jones@uq.edu.au) is an Associate Professor in the School of Veterinary Sciences at The University of Queensland (Australia) and a member of the Australian Society for Parasitology. His research interest is in the biology and control of helminth parasites of humans.


Shigeyuki Kano (Japan)

Vice-President / President Elect (2022-2028)
Professor Shigeyuki Kano, (MD, PhD, Honorary PhD in Tropical Medicine Mahidol University, kano@ri.ncgm.go.jp) is Director of the Department of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Research Institute, National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Japan. He is Past-President of Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine (2015-2020). His research interest is in strategy of malaria elimination by 2030.

Santiago Mas-Coma

Santiago Mas-Coma (Spain)

Past-President (2022-2028)
President (2016-2022)
Vice-President / President Elect (2012-2016)
Treasurer (2008-2012)

Professor Santiago Mas-Coma (Pharm.D., Sc.D., Ph.D., Dr.h.c., perm. Acad., S.Mas.Coma@uv.es) is Parasitology Chairman in the University of Valencia, Director of the "WHO Collaborating Centre on Fascioliasis and Its Snail Vectors" and Director of the "FAO-United Nations Reference Centre for Parasitology"; Former President of the European Federation of Parasitologists and of the Spanish Society of Parasitology; and Expert Member of the World Health Organization in Human Parasitology.



Sylvie Manguin (France)

Secretary General (2016-2028)
Professor Sylvie Manguin (PhD, HDR, sylvie.manguin@ird.fr), is a Full Research Professor at the French National Research Institute for sustainable Development (IRD). She is a specialist in medical and molecular entomology and vector-borne diseases with a particular focus on malaria and Anopheles mosquitoes from Americas, Asia and Africa. She teaches medical entomology at the University of Montpellier (France) and Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand).

Jong-Yil Chai

Jong-Yil Chai (Korea)

Treasurer (2016-2028)
Secretary General (2014-2016)
Treasurer (2012-2016)

Professor Chai (MD, PhD, cjy@snu.ac.kr) conducts research and teaches at the Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. He organized and presided the XVII ICTMM in 2008 and acts as a specialist on foodborne diseases and malaria.


Siti Nursheena Mohd Zain (Malaysia)

Past-chair of the XXI ICTMM2024 (2022-2028)
Prof Siti Nurshena Mohd Zain (Ph.D, nsheena@um.edu.my) is a Professor at the Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She is a specialist in epidemiology and host-parasite interactions in small mammals of a broad range of parasitic diseases, zoonotic ectoparasites and protozoan infections such as Blastocystis sp. and Leptospira sp. She sits in the editorial board of Tropical Biomedicine and Parasitology. She chairs the next XXI ICTMM in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.


Tamar Ghosh
(United Kingdom)

Tamar Ghosh 
(United Kingdom)

Chair the XXII ICTMM2028 (2024-2028)
Tamar joined the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (RSTMH) as Chief Executive in November 2016. Before then she was at Nesta running the Longitude Prize, a £10m science prize looking for a rapid diagnostic test to fight antibiotic resistance. Before Nesta, Tamar founded and ran two social enterprises in global and national healthcare, which continue in her spare time. She was Director of the social action campaign "Give More" on behalf of one of the Pears Foundation, promoting increased giving of money and time amongst the UK public. Prior to that, she spent 15 years developing and delivering funding strategies for international NGOs, including ActionAid and VSO. She has an MBA from Imperial College, London and a Masters in Development Studies, following an undergraduate degree in Mathematics at Bristol University.