Federated Societies (June 2024)

African Society of Parasitology
(Société Ouest Africaine de Parasitologie, SOAP)
Created in 1980 (became the African Society of Parasitology in 2012) – around 100 members.
President – Dorothée Kinde-Gazard - darskg2012@gmail.com
Secretary – Abdoulaye Dabo – adabo@icermali.org
SOAP – Service of Parasitology and Mycology of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry
University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
Phone: +229-959 640 84

Australian Society for Parasitology
Created in 1964 – around 490 members.
President – David Emery – president@parasite.org.au
Treasurer – Peter Rolfe – treasurer@parasite.org.au
Secretary – Colin Stack – secretary@parasite.org.au
Vice-president – Robin Gasser
Australian Society for Parasitology Inc.
PO Box 60 Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston QLD 4029
ASP Secretariat 1/9 St Georges Cr Ashburton Vic 3147

Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) Inc.
Created in 1976 – around 770 members.
President – Cheryl Jones
Secretary – Bart Currie
Suite 701, Level 7
46–56 Kippax Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia
Tel: +61 282 040 797
Fax: +61 292 122 382

Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (ACTM)
Created in 1991.
Around 320 members.
President – Colleen Lau – colleen.lau@uq.edu.au
Honorary Secretary - Peter Leggat –– Peter.Leggat@jcu.edu.au
Secretariat: PO Box 123, Red Hill Q 4059
E-mail: actm@tropmed.org
Phone: 07 3872 2246 

Austrian Society of Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Migration Medicine (ASTPM)

Created in 1967
President – Herwig Kollaritsch
Vice President – Julia Walochnik – julia.walochnik@meduniwien.ac.at
Secretary – Georg Duscher
Austrian Society of Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Migration Medicine
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine – Medical University of Vienna
Kinderspitalgasse 15, A 1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone.: +43 1 40160-38250
Fax: +43 1 40160-938293
E-Mail: office.oegtpm@gmail.com; irma.schabussova@meduniwien.ac.at

Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (SBMT)

Created in 1962. Around 800 members.
President: Rosalia Torres – rosaliamoraistorres@gmail.com
Vice-President: Gustavo Adolfo Rierro Romero – gromero@gmail.com
2st Secretary: André Machado de Siqueira – amsiqueira@gmail.com
1st Treasurer: Cleudson Nery de Castro – cleudson@unb.br
2nd Treasurer – Luciano Pamplona de Góes Cavalcanti – pamplona.luciano@gmail.com
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
Nucleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB
Caixa Postal 4356 - Sala 43C - 70904-970 Brasília – DF, Brazil
E-mail: sbmt@sbmt.org.br
Phone: +55 (61) 3307-1154

Chilean Society of Parasitology
Created in 1964 – around 250 members
President – Werner Apt –  wapt@med.uchile.cl 
Secretary – Inés Zulantay – izulanta@med.uchile.cl
Chilean Society of Parasitology  – Independencia 1027 second floor Santiago, Chile

Colombian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (SCPMT)
Created in 1965 – around 50 members.

President – Gabriel Jaime Parra Henao – gabriel.parrah@ucc.edu.co
Vice-President – Clara Beatriz Ocampo – claraocampo@cideim.org.co
Secretary/Treasurer – José Vicente Rojas Caraballo
Phone – (571) 360-2948
Bogota, Colombia

Société Francophone de Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale (SFMTSI)
(Former Société de Pathologie Exotique, SPE)
Created in 1908 – Around 200 members
President – Eric Pichard – eric.pichard.univ@gmail.com
General Secretary – Pierre Gazin – p.gazin@wanadoo.fr
Administrative Head: Sylviane Le Gurun – secretaire@societe-mtsi.fr
Secretariat of SFMTSI Revue : Isabelle Borloz – revue@societe-mtsi.fr
SFMTSI – Hôpital de la Pitié Salpêtrière, Pavillon Laveran 1et etage
75013 PARIS
email: secretaire@societe-mtsi.fr
Phone - +33 (0)967 651 799
Postal address: BP 50082 - 75622
PARIS CEDEX 13, France

Gambia Society of Microbiology (GaSoM)
Created in 2020 – Membership: 100 members.
Website: www.gasom.gm
President – Dr. Ousman Secka - osecka1963@gmail.com, gasom@gmail.com
Secretary – Mr Saffiatou Darboe - saffiatoudarboe80@gmail.com
email: gasom@gmail.com
Phone: +220-3923844 

German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)
Created in 1907 – around 1000 members.
President: Dr. Dr. Carsten Köhler – carsten.koehler@uni-tuebingen.de
Secretary – Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fleischer – fleischer@bnitm.de
German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health
Bernhard-Nocht Institut für Tropenmedizin - Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 74
20359 Hamburg – Germany
email: dtg@bnitm.de
Phone: + 49-40-285380-478

Associacion Guatemalteca de Parasitologia y Medicina Tropical‏
Created in 1979 – around 150 members
President: César L. González Camargo – laccem@hotmail.com
Secretary: José Víctor Cajas González
27 Av. 17-59 Zona 16, Jardines de San Isidro, 1016, Guatemala, Central America
Cell Phones: +502 5318-9961- 5048-728.  Phones: +502 2368-5581, 2253-6923, 2364-1194
Fax: +502 2364-1194

Indian Society for Parasitology (ISP)
Created in 1973
President – Sukhbir Kaur
Secretary – J.K. Saxena – jkscdri@yahoo.comjkscdri@rediffmail.com
BS10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, 
Sitapur Road, Lucknow- 226031, Uttar Pradesh, India 
Phone: +91 0522 2771940, or 2771960
Email: contact@parasitologyindia.org

Indonesian Parasite Control Association
Created in 2012 – Around about 600 members
President – Rita Kusriastuti – ritakus@yahoo.com
Secretary – Suwito – suwito_enk@yahoo.co.id
Direktorat PPBB. Dit. Jen PP & P Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 29, Jakarta 10560
Phone: +62 4247573; Fax: +62 4247573

Israel Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases
Created in 1964 – around 300 members
President – Eli Schwartz – elischwa@post.tau.ac.il
Member-at-large – Kosta Y. Mumcuoglu – kostasm@ekmd.huji.ac.il
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, The Hebrew University-Hadassah, Medical School,
POB 12272, Jerusalem 91120, Israel.
Phone/Fax: +972 2 675-8093

Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine (JSTM)
Created in 1959 – around 670 members
President – Tetsu Yamashiro
Office of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine (JSTM) C/O Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Nagasaki University
Sakamoto 1-12-4, Nagasaki, 852-8523 Japan
Phone: +81-95-819-7804 / Fax: +81-95-819-7805
Email: jstmsecr@tm.nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Latin American Federation of Parasitologia (FLAP)
Created in 1963. Number of member delegations: 12 Latin American Countries
President – Dr. María Mireya Muñoz
Microbiology and Parasitology Association of Panamá. miremar03@gmail.com
General Secretary – Antonieta Rojas de Arias - cedicpy@gmail.com; rojasdearias@gmail.com
Center for the Development of Scientific Research (CEDIC)
Manduvirá 635 entre 15 de Agosto y O’Leary
Barrio La Encarnación
Postal code 1255 - Asunción Paraguay
Phone/Fax: (595) 21-441513

Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine

Created in 1964 – around 581 members.
President - Dr. Chen Chee Dhang – chen_ctbr@um.edu.my
Secretary - Dr. Lee Ii Li – secretarymsptm@gmail.com
21-5-2, Block E, Diamond Square, Jalan 3/50, Off Jalan Gombak,
53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact: Dr. Lee Ii Li, Email: secretarymsptm@gmail.com

Society of Parasitology and Mycology of Mali (SOPAMYM)
Created in 2016 – around 40 members
President – Ogobara Doumbo – okd@icermali.org
Secretary – Abdoulaye Dabo – adabo@icermali.org
SOPAMYM - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMOS)
Po Box: 1805 Bamako
Phone/Fax:: +223-20 22 81 09

Mexican Society of Parasitology
Created in 1960 – around 60 members.
President – Luis Fernando Anaya-Velázquez anayafe@ugto.mx
General Secretary – Juan Pablo Martínez Labat – jpmlabat@gmail.com
Sociedad Mexicana de Parasitología
Oficina 404, Lucerna 65, esquina Milan
Colonia Juarez, Del Cuauhtemoc, CDMX
Mexico 06600

Peruvian Heminthology Association (APHIA)
Created in 2005 – 45 Members
President – Jorge Manuel Cárdenas - Callirgos - jmcardenasc.proyectos@gmail.com
Secretary General – Jose Alberto Iannacone – Oliver
Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines - APHIA
Enrique Salazar Barreto 587 (Departamento 202)
Urbanizacion Vista Alegre, Santiago de Surco, Lima, Peru
Contact: aphiaperu@gmail.com
Neotropical Helminthology - Editor Asociado (APHIA Journal)
Phone/Fax: (+51-1) 999873716

Peruvian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SPEIT)
Created in 1987
President – Juan Carlos Celis Salinas
Secretary General – Nataly Romero Avalos
Av. Alberto Alexander 2378, Dpto 201; Lince, Peru 
Email: speit@speit.org
webpage: https://speit.org.pe/
Phone/Fax: (+51) 987898595

Association for the Development of Tropical Medicine
Created in 2008
President – Filomeno Fortes – filomenofortes@ihmt.unl.pt
Delegate for IFTM – Paulo Ferrinho – pferrinho@ihmt.unl.pt
Association for the Development of Tropical Medicine
Rua da Junqueira 100, 1349-008, Lisboa, Portugal

Scandinavian-Baltic Society For Parasitology (SBSP)
Created in 2003 – around 100 members
President – Pikka Jokelainen - pijo@ssi.dk
Secretary General - Gunita Deksne - contact@sbsp.eu
Website: www.sbsp.eu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_sbsp_?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSBSP/

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network (TROPMED)

Created in 1966 – around 700 members.
Secretary General/Coordinator – Pratap Singhasivanon – pratap.sin@mahidol.ac.th
SEAMEO TROPMED network Central office:
420/6 Ratchawithi Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Phone: + 66 (0) 2354 9145, 2354 9146, 2644 4331, 2644 5135
Fax: + 66 (0) 2354 9144
E-mail: secretariat@seameotropmednetwork.org     

The Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine

Created in 1959. Around 300 members.
President - Myeong Heon SHIN - myeongheon2000@yahoo.co.kr
Secretary - Seobo SIM - ssim@kku.ac.kr
Treasurer for IFTM – Jong-Yil Chai – cjy@snu.ac.kr
Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
Seoul 110-799

Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health
Created in 1998 – around 500 members.
President – Maria Dolores Bargues – m.d.bargues@uv.es
General Secretary – María Romay – mromay@isciii.es
SEMTSI – Sociedad Española de Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional
Carreres Puchalt, 6-bajo dcha. 46020 Valencia - SPAIN
Phone: (34) 960.728.212
E-mail: secretaria_tecnica@semtsi.org

Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Created in 1984 – around 250 members.
President – Britta Lundstroem  –  britta.lundstroem@vetsuisse.unibe.ch
Secretary & Vice-President – Daniel Mäusezahl – daniel.maeusezahl@unibas.ch
Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
c/o Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
Socinstr. 57, 4051 Basel, Switzerland
Email: mail@sstmp.ch

Taiwan Society of Parasitology
President - Chia-Kwung Fan - tedfan@tmu.edu.tw
Taipei Medical University
Telephone: 02-27361661 ext.3120
Fax: 02-27395092
Mobile phone:(886)-926862790
Taipei, Taiwan

Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Association of Thailand
Created in 1968around 256 members.
President – Colonel Professor Mathirut Mungthi - mathirut@hotmail.com; mmungthin@gmail.com
Secretary – Waranya Wongwit – waranya.won@mahidol.ac.th
420/6 Ratchawithi Rd, Rajathavee, Bangkok, Thailand

Turkish Society for Parasitology
Created in 1976
www.turkiyeparazitolojidernegi.org  and www.tparazitol.derg.org 
President – M.Ali Özcel – ozcel@mail.ege.edu.tr
Secretary – Mucide Ak – mucide.ak@ege.edu.tr
Turkish Society for Parasitology – Department of Parasitology, Medical Faculty of Ege University. Bornova  35100 -Izmir-TURKEY

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Created in 1907, with Royal Assent in the UK shortly later
Around 1,800 members from over 80 countries
President – Professor Jimmy Whitworth - jimmy.whitworth@lshtm.ac.uk
CEO – Tamar Ghosh – tamar.ghosh@rstmh.org
Address – Northumberland House, 303-306 High Holborn, London WC1V 7JZ, UK
Phone: +44 207 405 2628

The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)

Created in 1903 – around 4,500 members.
President – Linnie Golightly Higgs – lgolight@med.cornell.edu
Chief Executive Officer – Jamie Bay Nishi – jnishi@astmh.org
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)
241 18th St. South, Suite 501
Arlington, VA 22202 USA.

Sociedade Parasitologia Venezuela
Created in 1980
President – Leidi Herrera – herrerleidi@yahoo.comleidi.herrera@ciens.ucv.ve
General Secretary – Carlos Botto Abella – okotoima@gmail.com
Sociedade Parasitologia Venezuela
Avenida Neverí, Edificio Fundavac – AsoVAC, P.B. Col. de Bello Monte, Venezuela

Vietnam Association of Parasitology (VAP)
Created in 1973 – around 2.000 members
President – Le Bach Quang – lebachquangdiep@gmail.com
President Elect: Pham Van Luc – lucvp@vast.ac.vn
Vice-president/Treasurer – Nguyen Khac Luc – lnkhac@yahoo.com
Secretary: Do Nhu Binh – binhvef2006@gmail.com; nhubinh.do@vmmu.edu.vn
PO Box: Vietnam Association of Parasitology
Level 5, Bio-medical and Pharmaceutical Applied Research Centre
Vietnam Military Medical University
No.160 Phung Hung, Phuc La, Ha Dong, Ha Noi, 310000, Vietnam.
Phone: +84 38546604 / +84 945311386